Monday, September 29, 2008

Keyboarding Assessment Rubric

You have now been keyboarding for several weeks. You are familiar with the key elements to increasing your keyboarding speed and accuracy:

Your speed and accuracy goal for this course as you complete your Keyboarding Online lessons is 25 WPM. If you reach this speed by high school, you should be able to skip an introductory high school keyboarding course and enroll in a higher computer applications course.

After you complete the 24 keyboarding lessons, you will take the final Keyboarding Assessment.

The first half of the Keyboarding Assessment tests your knowledge of proper keyboarding ergonomics and technique. The second half of the assessment is a skill demonstration, where you will demonstrate that you understand and use correct keyboarding body position and technique.

There are 20 questions. The grading rubric is as follows:
A = 18 - 20 correct
B = 16 - 17 correct
C = 14 - 15 correct

Don't'll do a great job!


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