Wednesday, September 09, 2009

Searching for Images Using Google Image Search

As you know, the Internet is for everyone, not just for kids! Therefore, we need to be careful when searching for images on the Internet.

When using Google's "Image Search," you will find an amazing number of images as you do research for class projects. Before using Google's "Images" search engine, we will learn how to effectively and efficiently search for images so that we find images that best suit our research, as quickly as possible.

To configure Google's "Preferences" feature for searches:
  • Go to
  • Click on the "Images" link above the search box.
  • Click on "Search Settings" at the top right to see the Preferences panel.
  • Choose a Interface Language (defaults to English).
  • Choose a Search Language - leave this set to "all languages" for more results. Translate pages from other languages with Google's Translate tool.
  • Scroll down to "SafeSearch Filtering" and select "Use strict filtering (Filter both explicit text and explicit images)."
  • Choose the number of results you would like to see displayed (10 - 100).
  • Click on "Save Preferences."
  • This returns you to the Google image search window.
To customize your image search, enter a more detailed description:
  • Click on "Advanced Image Search" on the right of the "Search Images" button.
  • Fill in the "Find results" boxes to define your search parameters.
    • Fill in all required words related to your search in the "all" box
    • Fill in words that should be grouped together in the "exact phrase" box
    • Fill in any related words to your search in the "any" box
    • Fill in any words not related to your search in the "not related" box
  • Select the content type of image you would like to find.
  • Select the "File Size" in the drop-down menu or fill in the "Exact size" boxes.
  • Select the "Aspect ratio" you want (the shape of the image).
  • Click on the "File Types" drop down menu to select a certain file type-leave it on "any filetype" for all images.
  • Click on the "Coloration" drop down menu and select color or black & white or "any colors" for all images.
  • Enter a domain (website) if you want images only from a certain website.
  • Select the "Usage Rights" if you want to be able to use an image in a creative or commercial project.
  • Select "Use Strict Filtering" for "SafeSearch."
  • Click the "Google Search" button.
  • View the list of images returned.
  • Click on the image you want.
  • Click on "See Full-Size Image" if you would like to see a large version of the image.
Always remember:
  • If you see something inappropriate on the internet, simply close the window!
  • Images you find on the web are usually protected by copyright laws and may require permission to use. Familiarize yourself with copyright, "fair use" and public domain to understand how you may use the images you find on the web.
  • Cite all sources you use from the web.
  • When searching for images at school, your searches should be related to your classwork, or academic content.


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