Monday, May 03, 2010

Week 32

Welcome to Week 32 of Keyboarding!

Everyone is doing an amazing job completing their keyboarding lessons! Almost every student has completed the entire course of 33 lessons, and has received 5 Spurgeon Paw tickets and a Paw Gram for their hard work. After completing the 33 lessons, you will then concentrate on your next goal, 25 WPM, 30 WPM, 40 WPM, or 50 WPM on all lessons. We have many students working on 25 WPM and 30 WPM, several working on 40 WPM, and one student is working on 50 WPM for all lessons...Wow!!! Don't forget this week's goal in keyboarding is Lesson 31.

Everyone who is up-to-date on their lessons will also be able to continue working on their latest graphic art project: Learning How to Draw With a Grid. All of the projects look great. You may continue to complete your grid art project on Friday Art Day. Have fun!

This week you will:
Ms. Kline's Week 32 Key Vocabulary:


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