Friday, September 06, 2013

Logging In To Our SAUSD "Google Apps in Education" Accounts

Today we are going to learn how to log in to our
SAUSD Google Apps for Education accounts!

Your Google account is an online account that gives you access to many different applications you can use to complete projects for your classes. When you create something using your Google account, you are able to access it from any computer, anywhere, at any time. One of the best features of your Google account is the ability to collaborate with your teacher and other students on the same project!

Some of the tools are office suite/productivity applications and are used primarily for typing and presenting information. These are Google Drive (formerly called "Docs"):
Other applications are for online publishing such as:
  • Sites (for creating websites)
  • Blogger (for creating blogs)
  • Calendar
You will use this account until you graduate from high school in the Santa Ana Unified School District!

How to log in:
  1. Open any web browser
  2. Go to the Spurgeon website at
  3. Click on the SAUSD Google Apps link:
  4. Sign in to your Google account
    1. Name = StudentID#
    2. Password = Your Date of Birth (MMDDYYYY)

You are now signed in and can now begin using your account!

To use your account, click on any of the items in the black Google menu bar at the top of the Google home page. Some of the items you will use frequently are:
  • Google Drive is where your office suite items such as documents, presentations, spreadsheets, forms, or drawings are housed.
  • Google Calendar displays calendars you have created, and any calendars that have been shared with you.
  • You Tube video-sharing website allows you to personalize your account with "channels".
  • Google Play is for books, magazines, media, games & Android apps.
How to log out:
  1. Return to the Google home page or your Google Drive page
  2. Click on your name in the upper right hand corner
  3. Drop down and click on "Sign Out"
Don't forget to sign out of you Google account and disconnect your Google Chrome account whenever you leave your computer to protect your privacy.

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