SBAC Testing Has Begun
Labels: common core, computer lab, SBAC, SBAC testing, Smart Balanced Assessment Consortium, standardized testing
A Blog About the Cool Stuff in Class!
Labels: common core, computer lab, SBAC, SBAC testing, Smart Balanced Assessment Consortium, standardized testing
During our SBAC testing today, one frustrating occurrence is the spontaneous (apparently) opening of iTunes. Since it is disabled it as a login item, it must be something else that is triggering it. Thankfully, the Interwebs have the answer! Because the F8 key on a modern iMac keyboard is also a keyboard shortcut to open iTunes. Since the SBAC secure browser will not run with iTunes open, the easiest way to avoid this is to:
Labels: common core, F8, F8 iTunes, F8 launch iTunes, iTunes, SBAC, SBAC testing
Labels: Free Music Archive, Garage Band, Magic Garage Band, mp3, podcast
In your podcast you will be able to open and conclude your podcast with a musical hook, just like you hear in a professional broadcast on the radio or the Internet. Here's a quick way to create your own piece of music that is uniquely yours, so you don't run into any copyright issues. You will then export your new musical hook to iTunes so you can use it in your podcast.
Labels: Garage Band, Magic Garage Band, musical hook, musical intro
Labels: lunar eclipse, tetrad, total lunar eclipse
Labels: colloquial, Garage Band, podcast, record, recording, script, story