Monday, September 29, 2008

Keyboarding Assessment Rubric

You have now been keyboarding for several weeks. You are familiar with the key elements to increasing your keyboarding speed and accuracy:

Your speed and accuracy goal for this course as you complete your Keyboarding Online lessons is 25 WPM. If you reach this speed by high school, you should be able to skip an introductory high school keyboarding course and enroll in a higher computer applications course.

After you complete the 24 keyboarding lessons, you will take the final Keyboarding Assessment.

The first half of the Keyboarding Assessment tests your knowledge of proper keyboarding ergonomics and technique. The second half of the assessment is a skill demonstration, where you will demonstrate that you understand and use correct keyboarding body position and technique.

There are 20 questions. The grading rubric is as follows:
A = 18 - 20 correct
B = 16 - 17 correct
C = 14 - 15 correct

Don't'll do a great job!

Friday, September 05, 2008

Time to Type

Let's review what you learned about Keyboarding yesterday.

What is the most important thing for you to remember?

That's right...the Home Keys.

What are the home keys?

Left Hand

a s d f

Right Hand

j k l ;

What are the other special keys?

Right Thumb

space bar

Pinky Fingers

Shift Keys (for making capital letters)

Open "Intro to Keyboarding", we'll finish up the introductory lesson and then we'll practice typing!

Wednesday, September 03, 2008

Let's Make a Name Tent

Who's ready to do a fun activity?

Follow the steps below to make your name tent:
  1. Look at the "Class Resources" section on the right
  2. Click on Name Tent
  3. This will download the name tent to your desktop
  4. Click and hold the "Applications" folder at the bottom of your screen
  5. Go to "Microsoft Office" and move across to click on "Microsoft Word"
  6. Click "Open Other"
  7. Click on "Desktop"
  8. Click on "NameTent.rtf"
  9. Click "Open"
  10. This will open the name tent document
  11. Double click on the words "My Name"
  12. Type your name in the box
  13. Click "OK"
  14. Double click on the other "My Name" (this one is upside-down)
  15. Type your name in the box
  16. Click "OK"
  17. Click on "File" at the top of the screen
  18. Click on "Save" at the top of the screen
  19. Click on "File" at the top of the screen
  20. Drop down to "Print" and let go
  21. Click on "Print"
  22. Fold your paper in half lengthwise
  23. Fold the edges of your paper inside
  24. Place your name tent on top of your computer
  25. Quit "Microsoft Word"
  26. Drag the "NameTent.rtf" file into the trash
Great job!