Monday, May 20, 2013

Adding Your Soundtrack to Your Podcast

Today you will start creating your actual podcast by adding the soundtrack you made last week using "Magic Garage Band"!

1. Open Garage Band

2. Open "Recent Projects"
3. Select your podcast

4. Open Garage Band to full screen (click the green + on top left)

5. Select the Media Browser icon (on the lower right)

6. Select "Audio" and "iTunes"

7. Select the song you created with Magic Garage Band and drag it into the center of your project where it says "Drag Apple Loops here."

8. Zoom out to see your entire project by moving the slider bar (on the left below the tracks) to the left.

9. Move your soundtrack to the left so that it lines up with the beginning of your podcast timeline.

10. If you need to delete a recording (purple) simply click on it and hit the delete key.

11. If you an entire track, click "Track" in the menu bar, drop down to "Delete Track".

Now you are ready to record your podcast!

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Thursday, May 16, 2013

Creating Your First Podcast

Today you will begin creating your first podcast. You will create, name, and save this podcast, and you will continue to edit until your podcast is complete.

  1. Now you are ready to create the podcast! Select "New Project" on the left side of the opening Garage Band menu.
  2. Select Podcast and click "Choose" to begin a new podcast project.
  3. Name your project: LastName+FirstName+Podcast
  4. Record your podcast by selecting a voice, male or female, and recording your script. Begin speaking by saying "3, 2, 1..." so that your recording begins smoothly. On the right side of there are various effects you can use to change your voice such as mouse voice, epic diva, etc. Select the "track info" icon on the lower right to find these other options:
  5. Add sound loops such as sound effects, jingles, or stingers, as desired, to enhance your podcast: These loops are located in the "loop browser" menu by clicking on the "loop browser" icon next to the "track info" icon:
  6. Add the music you created earlier. You will find your music in the "Audio" section of the media browser. Click the "media browser" icon next to the "track info" icon:
  7. You are able to adjust the timing of each segment by dragging the recorded sections along the timeline.
  8. You are able to edit a track by trimming a segment on either end of the recording.
  9. You can adjust the "track volume" of any recorded segment or sound effect. Just click on the arrow on the right of the track description:
  10. If you save a Garage Band project with an iLife preview the other iLife apps will be able to access while it is still a work in progress 
  11. You will now export your podcast as a .mp3 so that you can share it with others. Click "Share" in the menu bar at the top of the screen. Drop down to "Export Podcast to Disk", change the encoding to .mp3 so that any computer can play your podcast, and save it to your desktop so that you can find it! just created your first podcast!!

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Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Writing a Script for Our Podcast

Today we will write a script to use when we record our podcast!

Do you know what a script is? That's right! Like Mario Chavez shared in period 1, it is "something that you read to talk, like for a movie."

I want you to think about your topic. Please tell your neighbor, what you want to talk about in your podcast.

Now that you have your topic, please type the name of your topic at the top of your page and please center this title.

Now you will write a short script about your topic. Please left-align your script and add numbered items for each separate sentence you will read on your podcast.

Your first sentence must be your introduction, the rest of the sentences (minimum four) will be about the topic, and your final sentence will be your conclusion.
  1. "Hello, this is ____________________ and I am going to talk to you today about _________________________."
  2. Topic
  3. Topic
  4. Topic
  5. Topic
  6. This wraps up my podcast today. I hope you enjoyed the show!
Because this is a spoken piece of work you may use colloquial or "everyday" language when you write your script.

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Monday, May 13, 2013

Music & Technology in Class

Today's Magic Garage Band class was a lot of fun!

We learned how to use Garage Band to create a musical hook for the podcast we are recording this week. Students were able to choose a musical style, then choose and adjust a variety of instruments for their piece of music, then export their song to iTunes to use in their podcast.

One student reported that a musical hook is like a hook in literature and reels the listener in like a fish. Great analogy!

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Create a Musical "Hook" for your Podcast

In your podcast you will be able to open and conclude your podcast with a  musical hook, just like you hear in a professional broadcast on the radio or  the Internet. Here's a quick way to create your own piece of music that is uniquely yours, so you don't run into any copyright issues. You will then export your new musical hook to iTunes so you can use it in your podcast.
  1. Open Garage Band from your Applications folder.
  2. Select Magic Garage Band.
  3. Select a musical style: funk, reggae, blues, latin, etc.
  4. You are able to choose each instrument. Click on an instrument, click on the drop-down arrow, click on the headphones so they turn yellow to isolate the instrument, then choose which type of the instrument you want to use. After you have chosen the instrument, deselect the headphones (they will turn gray) so that you can hear the entire band. You will do this for all instruments or part: (melody, rhythm,  guitar, bass, drums, and keyboard) in the musical piece. You are also able to add your own instrument, such as your voice, if you plug the input to your computer.
  5. After choosing your instruments, click "Open in Garage Band" at the bottom right of the screen.
  6. You are now able to hear your new musical creation/ You may make any additional changes.
  7. Export your song to iTunes:
    1. Click "Share" in the menu bar.
    2. Drop down to "Send Song to iTunes"
    3. Name your song: "Period# + FirstName + LastName" in all four boxes.
    4. Click the "Share" button in the dialog box.
    5. Your song will open automatically in iTunes!
  8. Close your Magic Garage Band project after you have exported your song to iTunes.

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Podcasting 101

Let's make a podcast!

A podcast is a digital recording that is shared on the Internet. You are able to download these digital files to your mp3 player, such as an iPhone, iPod, Droid, etc. You can also subscribe to a podcast that is updated on a regular basis and listen to them with a web browser such as Firefox at a website like Free Music Archive, with a podcast aggregator such as iTunes, or on a media website such as YouTube.

Today you will use the program Garage Band to create a musical introduction to your podcast. On Thursday you will use Garage Band to create your podcast.

Friday, May 10, 2013

Feliz Día De Las Madres!

Today is Mother's Day in Mexico and Sunday is Mother's Day in the U.S.A. To honor the special women in our lives, you may make a Mother's Day card for a special person in your life.

How To's:
  1. Create a new document in your Google Apps account.
  2. In the title box, name your document Mother's Day
  3. Type the title "Happy Mother's Day" in any language at the top of the page. You may use Google Translate if you would like to write it in another language
  4. You may change the font style, color, size and face.
  5. Use "Insert Image" to take a photo of yourself and place it in your document.
  6. Write a letter or poem.
  7. Add artwork using Tools-Research-Images
  8. Check your spelling
  9. Click the printer icon to print
  10. Select Lab A/B Color Printer to print in color.
