Friday, August 31, 2012

NASA Announces Asteroid Naming Contest for Students

Here's Your Chance to Name a Real Asteroid!
OSIRIS-REx mission
Ever want to name a real celestial body? What's a "celestial body" you ask? A celestial object is any object in the observable universe, ie. the sky, and is also known as an astronomical object.

The upcoming NASA OSIRIS-REx mission will bring back samples of the near-Earth asteroid 1999 RQ36 that will hopefully help us learn about the origins of life on Earth!

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Thursday, August 30, 2012

Your First Google Doc!

Today you will use the skills you learned about how to create a Google document, and you will finish working on your "About Me" document.

  1. Login in to your Google account from the web page.
  2. In the black Google menu bar, click on "Documents" or "Drive". If you have not upgraded from "Documents" to "Drive" yet, do so now by following the prompts.
  3. Click on  the "About Me" document you created yesterday in your Drive folder
  4. Finish the assignment as described in yesterday's post.

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Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Creating a Document with Google Apps

Today we are going to learn how to create a document with our
Google Apps for Education accounts!

Google Drive is where you will begin using the office suite applications in Google Apps. In Google Drive, you will find an easy-to-use word processor to create and edit written documents.

To create a document in your Google Drive account:

  1. Login in to your Google Apps account on the Google home page using most web browsers.
  2. Click "Drive" in the black Google menu bar at the top of the screen.
  3. Click the red "Create" button on the left side of your Drive account.
  4. Drop down to and click on "Document".
  5. Click on "Untitled Document" and type in the box to rename your document.
  6. Compose and edit your document as with any word processing software.
  7. Google Docs are automatically saved.

Let's practice by creating and editing a new document!
Add Image Icon
  • Create a new document as detailed above.
  • Rename the title to "About Me".
  • Type your name at the top of the page.
  • Click the "Align center" button to center your name as a title.
  • Highlight your name and change the font, change the size to 24, and change the "Text color" as well.
  • Press return two times.
  • Click the "Align left" button to begin typing on the left side of the document.
  • Type five sentences about yourself (grade, school, classes, future, favorite stuff, etc.).
  • Highlight and change the font of the five sentences, change the color to black, and the size to 12.
  • Insert a photo of yourself by clicking on the image icon, then clicking "Select a file from your webcam".
  • When you are happy with your photograph, click "Take snapshot".
  • Move your photo to the bottom of your document.
  • You may also add a photo of your favorite thing, but don't forget to cite your resource, it's easy to do if you use Google docs Reference tool.
  • Great job!

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Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Login to Your Google Apps Account

Today we are going to learn how to log in to our SAUSD
Google Apps for Education accounts!

Your Google account is an online account that gives you access to many different applications you can use to complete projects for your classes. When you create something using your Google account, you are able to access it from any computer, anywhere, at any time. One of the best features of your Google account is the ability to collaborate with your teacher and other students on the same project!

Some of the tools are office suite/productivity applications and are used primarily for typing and presenting information. These are Google Drive (formerly called "Docs"):
Other applications are for online publishing such as:
  • Sites (for creating websites)
  • Blogger (for creating blogs)
  • Calendar
You will use this account until you graduate from high school in the Santa Ana Unified School District!

How to log in:
  1. Open any web browser (today we will use Google Chrome)
  2. Go to the Google home page:
  3. Sign in to your Google account
    1. Name = Student
    2. Password = Your Date of Birth (MMDDYYYY)
You are now signed in and can now begin using your account!
To use your account, click on any of the items in the black Google menu bar at the top of the Google home page. Some of the items you will use frequently are:
  • Google Calendar displays calendars you have created, and any calendars that have been shared with you.
  • You Tube video-sharing website allows you to personalize your account with "channels".
  • Google Play is for books, magazines, media, games & Android apps.
  • Google Drive is where your office suite items such as documents, presentations, spreadsheets, forms, or drawings are housed.
    • If your menu bar says "Documents" instead of "Drive" do the following steps to convert to Google Drive which allows you 5GB of free storage:
      1. Click "Get Started with 5GB"
      2. Enter the CAPTCHA letters in the box
      3. Click "I Agree"
      4. Your account is now converted to Google Drive
How to log out:
  1. Return to the Google home page or your Google Drive page
  2. Click on your name in the upper right hand corner
  3. Drop down and click on "Sign Out"
Don't forget to sign out of you Google account and disconnect your Google Chrome account whenever you leave your computer to protect your privacy.

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Monday, August 27, 2012

Introduction to Google Chrome

Today we are going to learn how to log in to our
Google Chrome accounts!

Google Chrome is a web browser, a computer application used to find resources on the World Wide Web.

Because we will be using our Google Apps for Education accounts to create our school-related documents and projects, we will be using the Google Chrome web browser to expand the functionality of Google apps.

When you log in to Chrome, you are able to create a personal experience by adding a theme, "apps", and extensions. We will not use themes at Spurgeon, because we are sharing the lab and laptop computers with the entire school, and our theme can be distracting to students and teachers. We will be able to use Chrome apps and extensions at Spurgeon, because these can be important tools to help us complete our school projects. The available apps and extensions can be found in Google's Chrome Web Store.

Apps are web-based applications or programs that run on your Chrome browser. These can be educational, helpful, or just plain fun! You are permitted to download apps into the Chrome browser as long they are age-appropriate, and appropriate for school. You are not allowed to download apps that pertain to adult content, drugs, alcohol, tobacco, violence, or criminal activity of any kind.


Some of the apps I recommend you download today are located under the "Education" tab:
  • Biodigital Human - Explore the human body in digital 3D
  • Type Fu - Practice keyboarding online
  • Typing Test - Find out how fast you type
  • Flash Cards - Create Study Companions for school
  • 3D Solar System Web - Explore the solar system in digital 3D
  • QuĂ© Onda Spanish - Learn Spanish
  • Planetarium - Explore the stars and planets visible in the night sky
  • Geogebra - Learn mathematics dynamically
Extensions are different from apps because they "extend" the functionality of the Chrome web browser or add features to the browser such as a translation tool, weather gadget, media player, etc.

How to log in to your Google Chrome account:
  1. Open Google Chrome - you will see the sign-in page or the start page
  2. Click "sign in"
  3. Name = Student
  4. Password = Your Date of Birth (MMDDYYYY)
  5. You are now able to download apps and extensions
How to log out of your Google Chrome account (important to log out every time):
  1. Click on the wrench in the upper right hand corner of the browser
  2. Drop down to and click on "Settings"
  3. Click "Disconnect your Google Account"
  4. Click the confirmation prompt "Disconnect account"
Don't forget!
Disconnect your Google Chrome account before leaving your computer to protect your privacy. 

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Friday, August 24, 2012

Saving Work to the Spurgeon Server

Today you will learn how to connect to your own Spurgeon server account.

  1. Connect to the Spurgeon server
    1. In the menu bar, click Go and drop down to "Connect to Server"
    2. Make sure the server address is in the box:
    3. Click Connect
    4. Type in your login info:
      1. Name: FirstNameLastName 
      2. Password: Student ID#
        Server Account Icon

    5. Select the volumes you want to mount by clicking on your name. 
    6. A Finder window will open with your server account icon and you are now able to navigate to this folder to save your files.
    7. If you need to save to a teacher's public drop box, repeat steps 1-3 to connect again and select "teachers" and you will now be able to save to any teacher's public account folder.
A personal server account means:
  • You are the only person who has access to this account.
  • You are able to save your files in your own documents folder.
  • You are able to access your documents from any computer at Spurgeon. 
  • You are able to save files to another person's "public drop box" to share with them.
Let's log in, look around, and explore your server account:
Finder Icon
  • Click the Finder icon in the dock at the bottom of your screen.
  • Close the 2nd Finder window.
  • Click on your name.
  • Click on the Documents folder to find your documents.
  • Drag the "About Stacks" file into the trash...what does the message say?
  • What do you need to remember when you delete a file from the server?
  • Click on any teacher's name.
  • Navigate to their Public folder.
  • Navigate to their Drop Box...this is where you will drop your files for your teacher.
When you open a folder or a file, you will see a "window" of this on your desktop. You can move this window by dragging its title bar at the top of the window. You are also able to close this window by clicking on the red button; minimize the window (hide it in the dock) by clicking on the yellow button; or re-size the window by clicking on the green button. You are able to resize the window using the lower right hand size of the window and dragging it to the size you want.

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Thursday, August 23, 2012

Kline Class Procedures

Entering the Classroom
Please enter quietly and calmly.
Please go directly to your seat.
Please be seated before the bell rings.
Please sign the tardy sheet if you have an excuse and staple your note to the paper.

Daily Routine
Please read the lesson objective on the board.
Please read the CHAMPS prompt on the board.
C = Conversation
H = Help
A = Activity
M = Movement
P = Participation
S = Success
  • Conversation: 
    • 0 = silence
    • 1 = whisper
    • 2 = speak softly
    • 3 = normal voice
    • 4 = outside voice
  • Help:
    • I = Immediate
    • PT = Ask Your Partner
    • PK = Parking Lot
  • Activity: What is the class activity today?
  • Movement: How are we moving during this activity?
    • T = You may get up for a tissue or to go to the trash can.
    • RH = You must raise your hand to get out of your seat.
    • RO = You may get up to work with a partner.
  • Participation: What is expected of me today to show that I am participating in class?
  • Success: Everyone will be successful!
Please read the Ms. Kline Online blog for today's lesson.
Please begin the lesson immediately.
Roll will be taken from the seating chart.

During Class
Please keep your backpack and other things on the floor in front of your feet.
Please follow the CHAMPS prompt for each lesson's expected behavior.

Clean Up
Please save your work.
Please shut down your computer.
Please leave your keyboard picture in front of the computer.
Please clean up your area.
Please place your keyboard and mouse at the edge of the table.
Please stand up and push in your chair.

Exiting the Classroom
Please wait for Ms. Kline to dismiss the class by rows.
When your entire row is ready, you will be dismissed.
Please exit quietly and calmly.

Restroom Procedures
Please try to visit the restroom during lunch, before school, or after school.
You will receive two bathroom passes every six weeks.
Please take your hall pass whenever you leave the classroom.
Please visit the restroom as quickly as possible.
If you are out of passes, you may ask Ms. Kline to call for an escort when necessary.
Please inform the teacher if you have any special needs/emergencies regarding the restroom.

Please say Please and Thank You when speaking in class.
Please do not interrupt when others are speaking.
Please be responsible with all lab equipment.

Class Rules
Please do not bring anything to eat or drink into the computer lab.
Please respect everyone (people and their things).
Please do not disturb any computer equipment.

Rewards for Good Habits
"Good Phone Call Fridays" Teleparent messages for all students
Personal positive phone calls home by Ms. Kline
PAW tickets
PAW Grams
School supplies (pens, pencils, paper, binders, folders, sheet protectors, backpacks, etc.)

Consequences for Rule Breaking
Teacher Warning
5 minute teacher conference and phone call home
15 minute teacher conference and phone call home
Parent conference
Referral to counselor
Referral to assistant principal

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Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Welcome to Ms. Kline's Technology Class!

Spurgeon's Technology Program with Ms. Kline

It's the start of another amazing year at Spurgeon!

You will have a lot of fun learning a variety of computer technology related skills including how to:
Today you will be assigned to your permanent computer station in Lab D.

Over the course of the next two weeks we will:
Google Chrome
  • review Spurgeon's school-wide procedures, especially the new CHAMPS program!
  • review Ms. Kline's class procedures.
  • learn how to login to our Google Apps accounts.
  • learn how to connect to the Spurgeon lab server when we need to save a project.
  • learn how to use a web browser, like Google Chrome, or Firefox to visit a web site.
  • learn how to use the Keyboarding Online program for learning to type by touch.
Keyboarding Online

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